In case you missed the news, W3Conf is this week in San Francisco.
I’ll be attending to see what’s new with web standards. Since Montage relies so heavily on web technologies and I like Montage so much, it’s now my duty to stay up to date on this stuff.
Also, if you’re going to the event and want to say “Hi!”, catch me on twitter and we’ll meet up. I’ll be tweeting my thoughts from the conference as it goes down. I’ll also take copious notes and post ’em here after the conference, so you too can be all hip on what’s going on with web standards. 🙂
If you’re in the Bay Area and don’t want to pay to attend the W3Conf itself, perhaps you’d be interested in attending the free Web Platform Doc Sprint @ Adobe’s SF offices. If you haven’t checked out the Web Platform site, you should. They have a terrific goal of documenting every facet of web technology covered by the W3C. As a lover and avid reader of documentation, I can’t wait to participate and help make that website a better destination for those looking to learn about web technologies.