Novartis: TwoGether
“You made us cry. In a good way. Your solution really strikes an emotional chord. It’s pretty amazing.”
-Novartis Representative
We took 2nd Place at Novartis mHealth Challenge!
In the Novartis mHealth Challenge, we walked away with 2nd place. Not bad considering we were up against some competitors who had been working months and years on their products. Our idea was conceived, designed and built in roughly 48 hours…and still took 2nd! We were very proud of our Twogether app concept that our designer, Anthony Tanaka, championed. The premise is a way for caregivers and family members to communicate about a loved one suffering from heart failure.
Right from the get go, we realized that we wanted to tackle the human side of the story. We wanted an app that would help caregiversstay in constant contact with each other. They would know who was helping, who was available as back up and how things were going. Anthony took on a very soft design, putting the human elements front and center. We wanted to present data, but we didn’t want a graph and grid heavy app. We wanted data presented in a way that represented the human aspects that data covered.
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