Full Length Documentary is up!

Here it is for all your viewing pleasures. This is our 4 day journey through the Saleforce $1M hackathon. We hope you have as much fun watching it as we did making it! If you want to reach out to us, do so here.

IDEas: Tools for Coders

For many years now, I’ve had some crazy IDE (Integrated Development Environment) concepts or as my notes refer to ’em IDEas. LOL Now that I’ve been practicing the craft of programming for over 20 years, I’m starting to realize that we...

The Documentary: Part 1

Our friends over at Bootstrapper Studios, the makers of our app demo video for Pay Up Sucka, have been hard at work working on our documentary. To make it more digestible, we’ve decided to make it 2 5-minute parts vs 1 10-minute film. Here’s part 1:...